The difference between a frigate and a destroyer is a tricky subject. Definitions have changed wildly over time and now differ depending on where you are in the world. Sometimes the distinction is based on size, sometimes on capability, and sometimes derived from a political requirement.

Let me be clear at least what the words mean in the Royal Navy. A frigate specialises in anti-submarine warfare (ASW), and a destroyer in anti-air warfare (AAW). 

Confusingly, as escorts (the collective term for both types) get bigger and are fitted with highly flexible missile launchers such as the Mk41 Vertical Launch System there is an increased tendency for ships to be able to dabble in both, a flexibility that used to be the domain of cruisers. Just to illustrate how mad the naval dictionary can be, the term ‘cruiser’ once referred mainly to frigates!

Meanwhile in the modern day things are changing. The old Type 42 destroyers of the Royal Navy had sharply limited anti-submarine capability. Likewise, our early Type 23 Frigates had very limited air defence capability. However, the more recent Arleigh Burke destroyers of the US Navy, whilst undoubtedly AAW specialists (and few better) now have a decent ASW capability.

On the other side of the coin, recently refitted Royal Navy Type 23 frigates now have longer range, much more reliable AA missiles than their forebears and a very capable radar allowing them to do limited area/fleet air defence. HMS Richmond in the southern Red Sea has done just this recently to good effect, although HMS Diamond, a destroyer, on arriving back there would have been quick to point out that the big guns are now back in town. Camaraderie-centred banter/abuse is never far away in the services.

Warship design is a never-ending compromise between size, speed, manoeuvrability, resilience, capability, weapon systems, sensors and crew numbers. It is nearly impossible for a ship to do all of it without costing a huge fortune – indeed it will probably cost at least a medium fortune anyway – so as a country you have to decide: do you want a few exquisite multi-use platforms or larger numbers of (usually smaller) ships focused mainly on one task?

Needless to say, what is actually needed in war-fighting terms for the next thirty years often features quite late in that conversation.

Arleigh Burke class destroyer USS Carney in action against Houthi drones and missiles in the Red Sea recently. Arleigh Burke destroyers are some of the best air defence warships in the world
Arleigh Burke class destroyer USS Carney in action against Houthi drones and missiles in the Red Sea recently. Arleigh Burke destroyers are some of the best air defence warships in the world Credit: Mass Communication Specialist 2nd Class Aaron Lau/US Navy

All of which made the US Navy’s now fairly longstanding decision to do away with frigates in toto an interesting one. The most recent US frigate class was the Oliver Hazard Perry but when they decommissioned the last of 51 of them in 2015 that was it. You can see the thinking. The Arleigh Burke destroyer is a capable and well-armed ASW warship, and they have so many other ASW-capable air assets, strategic sensors and of course nuclear-powered attack submarines, they can do without bespoke ASW surface warships. Perhaps there was a little bit of peace-dividend thinking in there as well, or maybe they just prefer the word ‘destroyer’ – I don’t know, but the US Navy’s specialist surface ASW platform was no more. 

I’m confident this was a mistake nonetheless because about 10 years ago I was the captain of a Royal Navy Type 23 frigate working with a US carrier strike group during an exercise in the Gulf of Oman. The ‘enemy’ of the day was a Royal Navy Trafalgar class nuclear hunter-killer submarine and, as you would expect, she was a handful.

Such was my ship’s advantage within the task group in this sphere, over the weeks of the exercise my role morphed from ‘providing ASW support’ to ‘local ASW commander’ to ‘ASW commander for the whole group’ with the US admiral making it pretty clear in the debrief that if this turned real, that would be our job. I had a one-on-one with him at the end and trotted out some pre-prepared lines about how exciting it was that the Royal Navy’s then brand-new Type 45 destroyer was soon coming ‘East of Suez’. He interrupted me, saying: ‘look at my task group, does it look like I need more destroyers?’

He got it.

There are four reasons a frigate, and in particular the Type 23 (and hopefully the Type 26s and US Constellations currently being built) do ASW better than the mighty Arleigh Burke. 

First, the sonar. A Type 23 has a variable depth, low-frequency active sonar which can be operated above and below the various temperature and salinity layers that the sneaky submariner will otherwise use for concealment. Burkes only have a bow-mounted sonar. It is powerful (more so than the one fitted to the Type 23, in fact) but it’s inherently limited because it is stuck at sea level.

Second, there is the design compromise between speed and stealth. Arleigh Burkes have seven gas turbines in total which enables them to achieve a top speed a frigate can only dream of, but they make hell of a racket underwater as a result. The Type 23 can shut down its turbines and engage electric propulsion mode powered by raft-mounted diesels, and become an acoustic black hole by comparison – especially when running in Ultra Quiet where all non-essential equipment (and people) are switched off. This is playing the submariners at their own game, and they do not like it.

Third, the helicopter. The RN’s Merlin ASW helicopter, while getting a little long in the tooth now, remains a first-rate ASW system. On deck, it’s a thirteen-ton pain in the backside. Getting it into the sky isn’t always simple – it lacks the power to hover out of ground effect with a full load – but once airborne, it’s like having another frigate in the air. It has a better dipping sonar than the US equivalent and Merlin aviators are granted more authority to operate autonomously rather than having to defer back to the ship all the time. And they are very good at it. A submariner friend of mine still jokes about the time I chased him all around the west coast of Scotland with my big chopper. The USN do operate two helos per ship, which helps, but in raw ASW terms the Merlin is still world-leading.

There is one thing I should mention, however, where the Arleigh Burke (or any other Mk41 VLS ship) has an advantage over the Type 23. This is the fact that some of the destroyer’s 90-plus vertical launch cells will have Anti-Submarine Rockets (ASROC missiles) in them. An ASROC carries a Mark 54 homing anti-submarine torpedo very quickly to anywhere within say 12 miles of the ship and drops the torpedo into the water, where it starts looking for a submarine to kill.

Normally, on developing an idea where an enemy sub may be and wishing to sink it, we drop torpedoes from the helicopter. But it is comforting, as a warship captain, to be able to take a shot yourself. This also stops the submariner wanting to get too near you.

HMS Portland fires an exercise torpedo from her Magazine Torpedo Launching System
HMS Portland fires an exercise torpedo from her Magazine Torpedo Launching System Credit: Royal Navy

The Type 23 does have the Magazine Torpedo Launch System, which enabled me to lob a torpedo straight into the water next to the ship. That’s a lot, lot better than nothing (as many warships have) and I found it a comfort. But I’m a big fan of ASROC and it is one of the things an Arleigh Burke has that I envied.

Moving on, much of ASW depends on how and where you are operating. A singleton frigate ‘up north’ looking for a Russian nuclear submarine is a different proposition to one operating as part of a carrier strike group in the Indo-Pacific. Task Group operations lessen the need for dedicated frigates to have ASW helicopters because you can operate them from the stability of a large deck, either the carrier itself or a Fleet Auxiliary. From a logistics and support perspective putting all your helos of the same type in one (big) ship makes sense. From an operational, flexibility and redundancy perspective it does not. These are fine margins as ever, but in fighting terms, a frigate without a Merlin onboard is only half a frigate. 

Fourth, and perhaps the most important, is the mindset. A frigate excels at ASW because that is the day job. It’s in the DNA of the team onboard. A destroyer ‘that does a bit of ASW’, or even an aircraft carrier with ASW helicopters embarked will not allocate the same effort or focus to it – they will be busy doing their core tasks – and ASW is not something you can half-do. For the submarines you are up against, it is their life. It needs to be yours as well if you are to stand a chance. 

Thankfully the USN recognised this gap in 2017 when it was announced that the service would build a new frigate. Named the Constellation class it is to be “capable of operating in both blue water (mid-ocean) and littoral (near-shore) areas, and capable of operating either independently (when that is appropriate for their assigned missions) or as part of larger Navy formations.” Numbers are yet to be confirmed, but “at least 20” is the answer for now.

This matters because Russian, Chinese, and North Korean build programmes and the proliferation of underwater drones demand that as many friendly countries as possible be committed to ASW. At the end of the Cold War, the Royal Navy had 32 frigates and the US Navy 52. We Brits were spending 4-5 per cent of GDP on defence. Today those numbers are 11 (on a good day), zero and (a false) 2 per cent.

The Constellation class is having its troubles, but it is good to see the world’s most powerful navy avoiding the beauty-over-numbers trap and recognising the need for smaller, focused capability warships that are still war-resilient (i.e. not Littoral Combat ships) but don’t cost $3 billion a shot. The sooner we see the USS Constellation and the Royal Navy’s Type 26 Frigate on operations, the better.

Tom Sharpe is a former Royal Navy officer. He commanded four different RN warships, including the Type 23 frigate HMS St Albans

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