The West provoked Russia into invading Ukraine, Nigel Farage has said.

The Reform UK leader said that the “ever-eastward expansion of Nato and the European Union” gave Vladimir Putin a reason to justify war.

The comments in a BBC Panorama interview with Nick Robinson echo arguments made by Donald Trump, the former US president and friend of Mr Farage.

Mr Farage was asked why he had “blamed the West” for Russia’s full-scale invasion of Ukraine in February 2022.

He said: “Right, I’ll tell you what you don’t know, I stood up in the European Parliament in 2014 and I said, and I quote, ‘there will be a war in Ukraine’.

“Why did I say that? It was obvious to me that the ever-eastward expansion of Nato and the European Union was giving this man a reason to his Russian people to say, ‘they’re coming for us again’ and to go to war.”

Pressed on whether his rhetoric was echoing that of the Russian president, Mr Farage said: “But, hang on a second, we provoked this war. It’s – you know, of course it’s his fault, he’s used what we’ve done as an excuse.”

Asked if he was saying the West “provoked the invasion of Ukraine”, Mr Farage responded: “Yes.”

He added: “By the way, I’m the only person in British politics that predicted what would happen, and of course everyone said I was a pariah for daring to suggest it.

“George Robertson, former Labour cabinet minister, who went on to become the secretary general of Nato, has in the last couple of weeks said the war is a direct result of the EU expansion.”

The comments are a marked difference from those given by other UK political leaders on the conflict, who have sided overwhelmingly with Nato and Ukraine.

Elsewhere in the interview, Mr Farage claimed the right of British politics had “gone” and the Conservatives “may as well change their name to the SDP”.

He added that vetting blunders with candidates standing for Reform were in part due to the fact that before his leadership, the party was “desperate” for people to stand.

Backlash to Ukraine comments

A backlash to Mr Farage’s remarks on Ukraine was emerging on Friday night.

Tobias Ellwood, the former Tory defence minister, told The Telegraph: “This is a shocking statement by Farage. A sovereign state was illegally invaded and Farage blames the West. Churchill will be turning in his grave. 

“Putin, already enjoying how Farage is disrupting British politics, will be delighted to hear this talk of appeasement entering our election debate. It shows how Reform could never be trusted with British foreign policy. And why Farage can never lead the Conservatives.”

Lord West of Spithead, the former chief of the naval staff, added: “Anyone who gives any seeming excuse to president Putin and his disgraceful attack on an independent country is standing into danger as regards their views on world affairs.”

James Cleverly, the Home Secretary, tweeted: “Just Farage echoing Putin’s vile justification for the brutal invasion of Ukraine.”

Liam Fox, the former Tory defence secretary, told The Telegraph: “The West did not ‘provoke this war’ in Ukraine and it is shocking that Nigel Farage should say so.

“Sovereign nations have a right to defend themselves and organise their security in a way that they choose. We need unequivocal military and moral support for the people of Ukraine, not Kremlin apologists.”

Reform polling just ahead of Tories

Mr Farage has fronted Reform’s election campaign following his surprise decision to take over the party leadership and run to become the MP for Clacton earlier this month.

Another opinion poll on Friday night put Mr Farage’s party just ahead of the Tories, with Whitestone Insight finding Reform was on 20 per cent of the vote share and the Conservatives on 19 per cent.

But The Telegraph polling tracker, which looks at averages, still has the Tories around 8 percentage points ahead of Reform with less than a fortnight to go before the election.

A poll by Savanta for The Telegraph predicted that Reform would not win a single seat despite a surge in the opinion polls.

Meanwhile, Boris Johnson intervened in the election debate on Friday to criticise Sir Keir Starmer, the Labour leader, for saying that Jeremy Corbyn would have made a better prime minister than him.

The former prime minister wrote in the Daily Mail: “By endorsing a Corbyn premiership, Starmer has cast serious doubt on Labour’s commitment to Ukraine, and Britain’s commitment to Ukraine under Labour.

“He has reminded us that so many in his party still genuflect to their past, and display a weird deference to ‘Moscow’ – as though Moscow was not now run by a kleptocratic gangster.

“Starmer must now be put remorselessly on the spot. He must take it back. You can’t back Corbyn and back Ukraine at the same time. Unless he revokes his endorsement of a Corbyn premiership, and makes explicit his support for Ukraine, Keir Starmer is simply not fit to be Prime Minister.”

Sir Keir declined to repeat his remark, made during a BBC Question Time special on Thursday evening, when asked about it on Friday.

The Labour leader has previously pledged his “unwavering support” for Ukraine and met president Volodymyr Zelensky at D-Day commemorations in France earlier this month.

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