This growing talk of war can seem alarming and, to be clear right up front, I don’t think we’re on the cusp of World War Three. However, I do agree with Defence Secretary Grant Shapps that since Putin began his current campaign in Ukraine, we’ve crossed a threshold from the post-Cold War era to a new pre-war age.

Such a statement should not send you running to the nearest supermarket to stock up on supplies – although in my time as minister for the Armed Forces, I did meet with the Swedish civil defence minister and in his country, citizens are provided with a booklet explaining what to do in time of war, including the sort of provisions they should hold just in case.

He gave me a copy of that booklet and I kept it on my desk thereafter. It’s a stark reminder that war is a whole nation endeavour and, to be frank, in the UK we’re a very long way behind.

But why be ready if there’s no obvious conflict on the near horizon? Well, I’d offer two answers. Firstly, it takes a long time to become ready and there are parts of government where I suspect this hasn’t been thought about since I was in primary school. And secondly, as the Roman General Vegetius so rightly said, “If you want peace, prepare for war.”

The same rules apply in warmongering as in the playground: you don’t pick fights you don’t think you can win. That means showing our adversaries that we have the strategic resilience to stay in the fight for as long as it takes to beat them and that we will never surrender.

Indeed, that last commitment is rammed home in the Swedish booklet to both counter enemy disinformation and as an explicit reminder to Sweden’s enemies that they’re going to fight to the very end.

Strategic resilience underpins our sovereignty. If global supply chains are constrained at time of crisis, can we still feed ourselves, do we still have access to energy, are the resources needed for critical industries secure, and most importantly of all, can we sustain ourselves in the fight? Sovereignty is our capacity to make our own choices free from the coercion of other states. To be sovereign, therefore, we need the resilience to keep our fate in our hands.

The post-Cold War peace dividend meant that our strategic resilience could slip down the list of government priorities. Defence meant doing things in remote places like Afghanistan or Iraq rather than in Western Europe and the North Atlantic. As a result, the rest of government didn’t need to worry about defence – it was just left to the MoD.

However, the MoD doesn’t feed the country; nor does it do the deals with mining and tech companies or friendly countries to secure rare earth minerals and semi-conductors; nor does it secure our energy supply, nor instruct local councils on civil contingencies. Indeed, in times of war, it’s the minister for industry that directs the re-tooling of factories and the requisitioning of supply chains to sustain our military, not the Defence Equipment & Support agency that procures for our peacetime force.

Secretaries of State have a desk and bed in the bunker but they are not there, thank heavens, for re-populating our islands after the apocalypse. They are there because their departments are as integral to the war effort as the MoD. Ben Wallace pushed hard for a whole of government exercise to get people down to the bunker so they could see what their working environment in war would be. In the end, rather depressingly, it was just defence ministers, senior military officers and MoD officials that participated.

I suspect there are plenty of cabinet ministers who don’t even know where their desk or bed in the bunker is. There might even be one or two who don’t even know where the bunker is!

It’s a shame that the whole of Whitehall didn’t get involved not only because it was a useful exercise in continuity of government and would have exposed how out of date many of our procedures now are but also because once the doors of the bunker are sealed, the mood does quickly change and you start to ask yourself very seriously what your job is in the most dangerous moment our nation could face.

Having asked themselves those questions, secretaries of state and their permanent secretaries would almost certainly have gone back to their departments and asked some pretty difficult questions about how we would actually sustain ourselves.

Is the NHS always the national priority? Do strips of land around every cultivated field always need to be left for nature recovery? Do we still have a merchant navy big enough to bring in supplies from overseas? Can outsourced public services be compelled to keep delivering even whilst their staff face mortal danger? When complex weapon systems need to be manufactured at pace, can we requisition consumer electronics to replace lost access to freshly mined rare earths?

In the Second World War and the Cold War we knew what all this looked like. It was based on a compendium of legislation referred to as “The War Book”. In the MoD, I’d been working with a small group of people to try to understand how many of these powers remain and I fear quite a lot of it has been accidentally superseded in the 35 years since we last needed it.

Only a foolish PM wouldn’t see that the long-term trend is towards global instability that could easily lead to a new cold war and perhaps something even hotter. Preparing for war now both through increasing spending on defence but also through a focus on our strategic resilience is the best way to maximise the chance of peace. Our adversaries must know that we’re ready, we can sustain ourselves indefinitely, and that we’ll never take a backwards step.

In knowing that, they’re much less likely to ever come for us in the first place. 

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