After months of delay, Ukraine soon should be getting a big new consignment of long-range precision missiles from the United States. With these farther-flying Army Tactical Missile System (ATACMS) and other Western-made deep-strike munitions, Ukraine finally is in a position to do what it’s been threatening to do for years now: drop the strategic Kerch Bridges, which connect southern Russia to Russian-occupied Crimea and provide a vital supply line for Russian forces in southern Ukraine.

When Russian forces captured much of southern Ukraine in the early weeks of Russia’s wider war on Ukraine, more than two years ago, their logistical situation was vulnerable.

There was an inland railroad threading from Russian-occupied eastern Ukraine to Russian-occupied southern Ukraine, but it was so close to the front line that even Ukraine’s short-range howitzers could hit it. So food, fuel, ammunition and other vital supplies for the tens of thousands of Russians in the southern army came to them in two main ways.

Some critical ammo came by ship, from ports in southern Russian across the Black Sea to ports in Crimea. The Russian navy’s Black Sea Fleet devoted around a dozen amphibious landing ships to the ammo runs.

Other supplies came by rail and road over the new Kerch bridges, which span the Kerch Strait connecting Russia to Crimea. For as long as a few ships and those two bridges were logistical chokepoints for the Russians, the same ships and bridges were also top targets for the Ukrainians.

The thinking, in Kyiv, was that sinking the ships and damaging or destroying the bridge cut off Russian troops in the south from their best supply lines, making them easy to overcome in a southern counteroffensive – one that would aim to cut south across Russian-held oblasts and isolate Crimea. The counter-offensive would be hitting Russian troops whose supplies would be coming all the way from Russia by truck. As a result they would be short of shells and fuel – the two primary needs of armies fighting this kind of war. If the Ukrainians could reach the Azov, the western half of the Russian invasion army would then be totally cut off and forced to surrender. The war would be all but won.

That strategy explains what happened next. The Ukrainian navy and air force began hunting down and sinking – with ballistic missiles, cruise missiles and explosive drone boats – the Black Sea Fleet’s landing ships. Twenty-six months into the wider war, the Ukrainians have at least damaged, if not sunk, eight of the landing ships – a majority of the flotilla. They’ve also made the port of Sevastopol, the main one in Crimea, so dangerous that the Russians mostly can’t use it any more.

Attacks on the Kerch Bridges were less successful. A Ukrainian raid in October 2022 damaged one span but didn’t fully close the supply line. Another raid – this one by an exploding drone boat – damaged the bridges a second time back in July. As repairs were underway, the Ukrainians lobbed two ballistic missiles, but missed.

A shortage of appropriate munitions constrains Ukrainian forces aiming to drop the 11-mile, steel-and-concrete Kerch bridge with its parallel spans for trains and automobiles. A bridge is a tough target: too tough for munitions that are designed to kill or injure troops or damage comparatively lightly-built vehicles.

One of Ukraine’s best deep-strike munitions – the American-made M39 ATACMS – dispenses hundreds of tiny submunitions that explode with the firepower of a hand grenade. The precision-guided M39 is great for taking out radars, command posts and aircraft on the ground at their bases.

It would barely scratch the Kerch Bridges. Not that that matters when a 100-mile-range M39 can’t even reach the bridge, which lies 160 miles from the front line. The French and British supplied Storm Shadow can reach the bridge, but its bunker busting warhead is also unsuitable for taking it down.

But the newer M57 ATACMS ranges 190 miles with a 470-pound unitary warhead: one big blast instead of hundreds of small ones. An M57 could badly damage the Kerch Bridge. A barrage of several M57s might even drop a section of it.

On the eve of a long-delayed final vote approving another $61 billion in US aid to Ukraine, US government sources confirmed to various media that future aid packages would include longer-range ATACMS. That could mean a farther-flying version of the M39. But it could also mean the M57: the possible bridge-killer.

All that is to say, Ukraine has already mostly cut the first original supply line into Crimea – the landing-ship shuttle – and could soon have munitions suitable for cutting the second original supply line, the Kerch Bridge. After more than two years, that plan for strangling Russia’s forces in southern Ukraine could finally come to fruition. Next year’s Ukrainian counter-offensive would have a real chance of success.

The plan is obsolete, however. Apparently appreciating their logistical vulnerability, the Russians spent much of 2023 laying a new rail line that connects Rostov, in southern Russia, to Mariupol in occupied southern Ukraine, and lies outside the range of Ukrainian artillery.

This new rail line went into use this spring. It would be a simple matter for Ukraine to hit the line with an M57 ATACMS or a Storm Shadow or another long-ranging weapon. But it’s an even simpler matter for Russia to send up a train with some engineers, earth-moving equipment and new lengths of rail and repair it. Unlike ships, harbours and bridges, overland railways are extremely hard to knock out for any length of time.

So the Ukrainians could sink the last few surviving Russian landing ships and knock down the Kerch Bridges with ATACMS and still fail to throttle the flow of supplies to the Russians on the line in Zaporizhzhia and along the Dnipro. A logistics-first strategy for weakening Russia’s southern forces was viable in 2022 and 2023. It’s probably not viable in 2024.

Which isn’t to say Ukraine won’t keep trying to liberate its occupied territory. It almost certainly will. But Ukrainian brigades will once again be compelled to attack into formidable Russian fortifications amply supplied with ammunition, fuel, rations and everything else they need – instead of winning the war elegantly, by cutting off the Russians’ supplies. The delay in sending longer-range weapons has potentially saved Putin from losing his war.

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